Dear readers,

the editorial staff thanks you, that you in the month March 2011 our „Wohnungswirtschaft heute TECHNIK“ magazin have for the leading German-speaking magazine of the housing association „with „Wohnungswirtschaft heute“ refined. Almost 20. 000-mal was downloaded the March notebook of you.

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That corresponds for instance to the really sold edition as it is called by print media as an evidence of a great range.


For us in the editorial staff that is incentive, to supply you also furthermore with currently self investigated contributions, information from science, technique and industry as well as compartment contributions of external authors. In the more than two years since market launch of our internet technical journal for the housing association the number has itself our subscribers‘, that“ to read „month today regularly for month“ the „Wohnungswirtschaft heute“, constantly increases and climbs continuously further.

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